Language not available. Why is it link to an app in English? Disappointing...
Please fix the language choice!!! I followed your advice and changes the system language to French and it worked. But as soon as I changed the system language back to English, it switched to German again. This is so stupid! I can't switch the systwm language every time I would like to use the app!
No french
I understand that English is not available But I can't find the options to change langage from German to French or Italian, may you help me ? Otherwise, the application is unusable as is (I don't speak German) FYI: my phone is in English, and I already tried to uninstall/reinstall Btw, the link with iTheory+ is brilliant
informationen sind teilweise dürftig. fehlerhaft bei der verwendung zusammen mit itheorie+. bleibt ständig bei besuchten seiten hängen und zeigt "more in the car theory app" nicht an. edit: ich glaube das problem tritt auf wenn ich eine seite in at7 geöffnet hatte & dann in itheorie+ auf 'more in the car theory app' klicke. at7 beenden löst das problem manchmal. edit2: alle fragen scheinen einen link zu at7 zu haben. ja wenn at7 hängt, dann bei allen fragen.
I thought the app is in English. I couldn't find any settings to change the language
misleading, only navigation is in english, no settings